Daughters nudity and lack of boundaries in front of her Dad

My stepdaughter is 25 and thinks that it is ok to walk around the house in a t-shirt and thong, pull her pants down and moon her Dad, leave the bathroom door open when she is on the toilet and then call for him so that he will see her there. She has acted like she is going to show him her boobs and who knows, she may have. He will say, I don't want to see that but it is not in a serious tone. I do not think this is appropriate behavior at all. What are your thoughts?

Comments for Daughters nudity and lack of boundaries in front of her Dad

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Inappropriate behavior
by: Sara

You are 100% correct. This is completely inappropriate...and 100% abnormal.

No normal woman behaves in this manner with her father. These are classic signs of sexual abuse. Not necessarily by the father, but certainly by someone.

In your shoes, I would have a serious conversation with my husband. Boundaries and expectations must be set.

You are going to have to give serious thought to what you will accept in your home, and you are going to have to decide what actions you are willing to take based on the reaction to your expectations.

Good luck to you!

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