
by Elina
(Kendal Cumbria)

Hello, I am a single mom. My son is 6 months old.
I need find a home for me and my son but I can't find that in Kendal because I work here,
but that's what I can get. I don't have enough money, and I can't live hear anymore because I live in shelter house and there is a lot drinking and using alcohol.

Can you can help me please?

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Help in Cumbria
by: Ask Sara

God bless you, Elina! Thank you so much for reaching out, and for not accepting your current circumstances for yourself and for your son.

These good folks provide housing help in your area. If they are unable to help you, ask them where you should go next. Don't give up! You deserve wonderful things!

God bless,

Contact the Housing Team

Address: Eden District Council, Mansion House, Penrith, Cumbria CA117YG
Telephone: 01768 817817
Email: housing.services@eden.gov.uk
Fax: 01768 890470

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