
by Rosy D
(Austin Tx)

I'm a 22 year old single mom and I have a 2 year old daughter. Her father and I were together for only 3 months when I got pregnant and it was basically an "every night a party" relationship, so really wasn't a relationship until I turned up pregnant. then things changed. He and I realized after the 6 month of our baby being born that we were not meant to be and I wasn't going to force it so we cleanly decided on visitation and everything.

We absolutely have no drama with one another and/or feelings towards one another. Now our daughter is 2 and I'm ready to start dating again. But would it reflect bad on my side seeing is how I'm only a 22 year old single mom with a two year old and already trying to date? I'm in school and have my own house and a full-time job so I think I am at a good place.

I do realize that my daughter will always come first. What is your advice on how about I should go about this? Should I just hold off until she is a little older? I'm so confused!

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Dating again...
by: Ask Sara...

Good for you! It certainly sounds as though you have your act together! I am proud of you!

I think it's perfectly fine for you to date. You are stable, you are clearly mature, and I think you're in a great position to attract a good partner. Keep it up!

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