by Amber
I am a single mum of three girls. My eldest is 18 and has been hard hard work- no input from her Dad at all.
My problem is that i still have to organise everything for her. She wants to apply for University and won't even write the application without me nagging. Clothes are never put in the washing, even ones she knows she wants to ware out. Thank you cards are never written etc, etc. On the one hand she will make out that something really matters- and then never follow through. All she really does is socialise.
I have tried not organising her- but her life simply falls apart. I now just get on and do it, and nag, and shout and get terribly frustrated.
My question is- should i step back now? she is 18. When will she step up to the plate and get her act together? I feel exhausted and so alone and have worked so hard bringing up these girls. She is a nice girl and I don't want her life to fall apart because I took a step back when i shouldn't have.
Thank you
Amber xx
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