80% of single moms don't have the education they need to advance in their careers.
The question I am most often asked is:
How did you go to school as a single mom?
Pregnant with my first child I was single, a full-time college student and I worked full-time. It would have been soooo much easier to drop out of school and just focus on work and being pregnant. Problem was...even though I changed jobs about 5 times when I was pregnant, my highest wage, as an assistant manager of a restaurant, was $4.25/hour. I knew without a degree, my future was not gonna get any brighter.
It was the same when it was time to go to grad school. My boss wanted to create a new position, but certification for the position required a Master's degree. Getting my Bachelor's degree was a challenge as a single mom working full-time with one child in tow, what would it be like with three?
I know you want to advance in your career and provide more for your family. I know you want the security of knowing that if something happened to your job, you would be able to replace that income at the same, or a higher level.
In order to be a successful mom, student, and employee, I had to create and implement a life plan that met needs of all my roles. I want to share that plan with you!
My new book A Single Mom's Guide to Getting Your Degree will be available at the end of April 2015. The book comes with a companion workbook to give you the exact tools and worksheets you need to stay on track and reach your goals.
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