The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced many schools to start the school year remotely. For some parents, this isn’t anything new. Some have been navigating virtual learning since the onset of the stay-at-home orders. But there are other parents and guardians who haven’t yet experienced this. Balancing the roles of an employee and teacher can be challenging for all, and being a single mom can make things even more challenging. If you’re one of those moms, check out these tips for balancing virtual learning and working from home.
Routines are the key to success. Planning out your day will help you and your children transition from one task to another with ease. Children thrive with routines and normalcy because they know what to expect from you and know what you expect from them. Think of your workday in terms of routine. Separate your usual tasks into time frames. Then, think about your child’s school day. When do they need to wake up? When will they take their lunch? When is the school day over? Taking these questions into consideration when thinking about your own schedule will help you combine your two routines in the most accommodating and beneficial way.
Creating a professional environment will help engage both you and your child. Dedicate a space in your home where you and your child can work. Depending on your child’s age, you may want to make a space where you two can work side by side. There are a few helpful tricks to doing this.
While it is important to have a professional and engaging space in your home, it’s just as important to create a space dedicated to play and exercise. Your child will spend quite a bit of time sitting in front of a screen during their virtual learning experience. To help combat this tedium, consider adding a playground space to your backyard. The perfect backyard playground will provide your child with the proper space to take a break from their screen and get the play and exercise they would normally get at school.
The key to balancing working from home and virtual learning is to give yourself enough credit. Remind yourself that everyone is going through the same thing. Everyone is doing the best they can to adjust to this new normal. Whether you’re a single mom or not, give yourself the praise you deserve. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and, therefore, you’re doing great.
If you feel overwhelmed with the new normal, follow these tips for balancing working from home and virtual learning. These tips will help you gain control of your life once again, so you and your child can both be successful.